Graduates’ Scholarship Fund


Help us build this fund to create doctors, teachers, engineers, counselors, construction managers, and many other professionals.

With sponsors’ help the community has already reaped the benefit of these gifts as students have returned to our campus to teach and lead the campus.

Details of Graduates’ Scholarship fund

  • You can sponsor a graduate by making a one-time, monthly, or annual contribution.

  • You can choose the amount of your contribution.

  • You can pay by check to make a one-time contribution to a graduate by sending a check payable to Partners in Mission. Indicate “Graduates Scholarship Fund” in the memo line and send the check to Partners in Mission, PO Box 441, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60138.

  • You can pay online. Options online include payment by credit card or set up a direct payment from a bank account.

  • Options when you pay online include setting up a one-time payment, a monthly payment or an annual payment. Annual payments can be set as one-time payments or set up to recur each year.

Benjamin’s Story

Benjamin was a sponsored student at KSVS. Upon graduation, he received a scholarship to attend Bishop Stuart University in Mbarara where he excelled in agricultural studies. Upon graduation, he returned to Kamwenge to oversee the coffee project at KSVS. He now works for Uzima Chickens Ltd., helping local entrepreneurs set up small businesses which raise baby chicks to 4 weeks of age, then sell them at an affordable price to local small farmers. Benjamin has a passion to help his neighbors in Kamwenge to grow their small businesses and advance their agricultural skills.